International Reagent Resources

What is an Intermediate Consignee?
An intermediate consignee or “broker” is a 3
party that receives and clears goods on behalf of
an IRR registrant to ensure that the shipment reaches the lab.
When should I use an Intermediate
Most labs do not need an intermediate. However, if you are concerned that your shipment might encounter
issues clearing customs, please provide your intermediate/broker information.
How can I add an Intermediate to my order?
Use Intermediate. Include:
1) Name, Email, and Phone Number of Intermediate
2) Institution Name and Full Address of Intermediate
To add an intermediate, provide the full details of the intermediate in the “Order Comments” section of the
shopping cart:
After the shipment reaches the airport in the intermediary country, it is the intermediate's
responsibility to coordinate the remainder of the shipment to the destination lab. Since IRR
loses visibility in shipments from the intermediate to the destination lab, any issues should be
reported back to IRR.
IRR/ATCC works with the lab and the intermediate/broker to coordinate the shipment. It is the
responsibility of IRR to ensure the shipment reaches the airport.
It is the responsibility of the IRR registrant at the destination lab (also known as the ultimate
consignee) to let IRR know when the shipment is received in good condition.
International  Reagent  R esource
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I change the name of the lab on the import paperwork?
No. It is against United States Government Regulations to make changes to the ultimate
consignee on any shipping documents. Therefore, IRR cannot make any attempt to conceal
or change the name or address of the ultimate consignee on import paperwork. Only IRR
registrants are authorized to log in to the IRR website, place orders, and receive IRR
products. Registrants are NOT permitted to order on behalf of another laboratory.
2. Can an intermediate register with IRR and ship to another lab?
No. Only IRR registrants are authorized to log in to the IRR website, place orders, and receive
IRR products. Registrants are NOT permitted to order on behalf of another laboratory.
Laboratories may use intermediary consignees if necessary to assist the shipment clearing
customs, but it is against United States Government Regulations to receive reagents with
the intent to redistribute in an attempt to divert governmental regulations, which is illegal.
3. What are IRR’s shipping Terms and Conditions?
For information on terms and conditions for Duties and Taxes, Import Permits, and Shipment
Pickup, visit IRR’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or paste the following link into your
What is the IRR Shipping Process?
1.  Shipment Initiation

After CDC has approved your order, our customer service team will send you an email confirming shipment information and asking if you are ready to receive the shipment.


2.  Import Documents

Customer service will request any supporting documentation needed for import of the shipment.If you need to make any changes to your order, notify the customer service team.


3. Schedule Shipment

After you confirm that you have everything you need to import, our customer service team will schedule your shipment with a courier and request your approval to ship on the courier’s next available


4.  Receipt Confirmed

Our customer service team will ask you to confirm that you received the shipment in good condition. Failure to confirm receipt of shipment could delay IRR’s ability to provide your lab with reagents in the future


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